neoTCG by gloomlee

how to use

You've learned what Colors TCG is, now it's time to talk about what neoTCG is and what it can do.
all current instructions can be found on the github. neoTCG was inspired by eTCG, which is a tool that functions just as neoTCG does except it uses the php language, something neocities does not support. neoTCG is aiming to rectify that, by giving neocities user's a beginners toolset in order to begin playing Colors TCG with the website they already have.

what are the UPDATE_.js files?
The js files beginning with "UPDATE" are the files that a user needs to update and change as they play Colors TCG. These files control all of the other pages, and must stay in their given format. Instructions for each file are located as comments within the file, as well as below.

Contains a single variable "deckDictionary" that holds a dictionary of data scrapped from Colors TCG's deck page. This dictionary needs to be updated for each new deck releases. A tool for getting an updated dictionary can be found here, which will output the deckDictionary variable for you to copy and paste into the UPDATEcolorstcgdeckdata.js file.
The data from the deck dictionary contains the series name, character name, and color for each deck. This data is used to color the deck names on your collecting page, sort your iso decks by color, as well as sort all of your cards by color with the search feature.
If the UPDATEcolorstcgdeckdata.js file is not updated with new deck releases, the data for new decks will not be retreieved, and some features may not work properly.
If a newly released deck is added to high priority, it will not display the color of the deck in the header. It will also put it into a blank ISO column.
If a newly released card is owned in either keeping cards or trading cards, it will not be able to be filtered by color, or searched by series name and character name. Instead, it will have SERIESNOTFOUND, CHARACTERNAMENOTFOUND, COLORNOTFOUND as its tooltip data when highlighted over.

For example, this is how the deck "newdeck" would look if it was a newly released deck, and the UPDATEcolorstcgdeckdata.js file was not updated for that release:

"newdeck" without a header color

"newdeck" in a blank column

Contains a single variable "keepingcards" that holds a string of comma seperated card names. The cards names should be of cards the player owns and wants to keep. The most recent cards should be at the beginning of the string, as the first 100 cards are pulled to display on keepingcards.html as "most recent keeping cards".

Contains a single variable "tradingcards" that holds a string of comma seperated card names. The cards names should be of cards the player wants to trade. The most recent cards should be at the beginning of the string, as the first 100 cards are pulled to display on tradingcards.html as "most recent trading cards".

Contains a single variable "tradingcards" that holds a string of comma seperated card names. The cards names should be of cards the player wants to keep, but wants to collect in the future/ later. The most recent cards should be at the beginning of the string, as the first 100 cards are pulled to display on tradingcards.html as "most recent future cards".

Contains two variables, "logs" and "unformattedlogs".
"logs" is used following the specific instructions in order to automate sketchpads and crayon counting. By using the format, it will be able to count your sketchpads and change the image to the according number of cards you've traded, as well as count the number of crayons you're receiving or losing. "unformattedlogs" is for if you already have logs and are just starting to use neotcg. There is no format for the "unformattedlogs" variable. These logs will be displayed, but the user will have to manually set their sketchpad numbers and crayon numbers in playerinfo.js. Then, they can use the the "logs" variable to begin using the proper format for automatic counting. This can also be used as a way to archive logs.
Important Notes:
- The bolded inputs can be formatted however you want, as long as it comes after the proper command and before the colon (:)
- Crayons must be written with a numbered amount. ex: 1 blue crayon or 2 blue crayons not blue crayon, 1 crayon rainbow, etc.
Available commands and their formats are: TRADING WITH A PLAYER
traded to playername: yourcard01, yourcard02 for theircard04, theircard05

ex: traded to gloomlee: anklets01, anklets03 for obnoxious01, obnoxious02
gifted to playername: card01, card02
ex: gifted to gloomlee: obnoxious01, obnoxious02
gifted by playername: card01, card02
ex: gifted by gloomlee: anklets01, anklets03
RECEIVING CARDS FROM GAMES/ SERVICES/ ETC. received from game name/ service name: card01, card02, 1 blue crayon
ex: received from silly blanks 126: obnoxious01, obnoxious02, 2 blue crayona, 1 orange crayon
lost to game name/ service name: card02, 1 blue crayon, 1 sketchpad etc.
ex: lost to silly blanks 126: evil02, menace06
ex: lost to art shop: 3 sketchpads, 1 blue crayon

Contains multiple

non-UPDATE files

coming soon

modifying files and styling

coming soon

gloomlee 2022